My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A group of characters embark on an adventure in a temple, encountering challenges and finding new friends along the way.
    by WG - 04SL 860784 Hilldale PS
    Eye Icon 84
    Star Icon 4
  • A short, somewhat disorganized story about a person's excitement for spaghetti and an unexpected encounter in bed.
    by WG - 04SL 860784 Hilldale PS
    Eye Icon 220
    Star Icon 16
  • There's a spaghetti laws?
    by WG - 04SL 860784 Hilldale PS
    Eye Icon 135
    Star Icon 15
  • Mario goes to jail. What could happen?
    by WG - 04SL 860784 Hilldale PS
    Eye Icon 240
    Star Icon 18

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