My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Princess Ariel, now a human, works to save the sea from pollution and educate her village about its importance.
    by AfterTheCastle
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  • Cinderella's dad, Kirk, is the Fairy Godmother. Audrey learns to accept her dad's identity and they go on magical adventures together.
    by AfterTheCastle
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  • A woman and her daughter walk in the forest, discussing the four seasons. The mother tells a story about the Fire Goddess and the Snow Queen who fell in love and created the seasons.
    by AfterTheCastle
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  • Cinderella, about to marry a prince, discovers the unhappiness of the castle servants. She convinces the king to give them time off and changes the law to allow two kings. Cinderella becomes the royal advisor.
    by AfterTheCastle
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  • The story follows the journey of Mulan, a girl who disguises herself as a boy to join the army and fight. She faces challenges and eventually helps change the rules to allow girls to join the army.
    by AfterTheCastle
    Eye Icon 122
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  • A girl named Snow White realizes her name is just a description and goes on a journey to find a name she likes, eventually settling on Bob.
    by AfterTheCastle
    Eye Icon 201
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