My Published Books (4)

  • This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. The book is structured as an alphabet book, with each letter representing a different aspect of the school.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 371
    Star Icon 12
  • A child expresses their desire to improve their reading, writing, and other skills, as well as their interest in various professions and topics.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 532
    Star Icon 3
  • A young reader shares the strategies they use to become a good reader, including finger-reading, finding a quiet spot, sounding out words, thinking about the text, asking questions, and choosing appropriate books.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 41
    Star Icon 3
  • A series of questions about lady-bugs and their legs, with some addition and subtraction problems.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 1498
    Star Icon 6

My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A series of math problems involving ladybugs, grasshoppers, and ants.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 263
    Star Icon 5
  • A collection of letters from students in Williston, Vermont, describing their school, community, and activities.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 253
    Star Icon 2
  • Read the book to get to know the students in Mrs. McCormack's class.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 123
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  • A group of students learn about the moon, constellations, planets, and seasons in a series of workshops.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 33
  • This book is about the Earth, the Moon and our Solar System.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 599
    Star Icon 3
  • A pirate and a dragon who discover that working together solves many problems.
    by Maria McCormack & Denise Wentz
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 2

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