My Public / Unpublished Books (17)

  • Our friends got driven away from camp by Red, the imposter! When the find them selves stuck on an icy montuin, Red must find other ways to kill the unkillable....
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 95
    Star Icon 24
  • Lol)
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 84
    Star Icon 21
  • Omgggg! Thx guys UwU. To all who particpated: U STUFF WERE AWSOMEEEEEE! Thoes who didn't: I'm still glad yOU came and supported me :) Lets celebrate another year of me......(In case your wonndering, im 12! YAY!) XoXoXo :)
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 106
    Star Icon 21
  • pLZ READ THIiiis Imformation inside...As we all know..My birthday is coming! JUne 22 YAYYYY!
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 13
  • Galaxy goes on a normal walk when-BAM- She slams right into a portal the connects two worlds. There, Galaxy finds mysteries that await her, and new friends. Join them as Galaxy figures her true identity....
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 79
    Star Icon 15
  • Ya guys r awsome. AMONG US BOOK 5, COMING SOON
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 67
    Star Icon 11
  • My dream Is to have at least 150 fans, and be the best storyjummper Writer, Along with my fans and friends, of course. You can help achive this goal! I love you all!
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 228
    Star Icon 44
  • Oh fiannly, You can see them
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 153
    Star Icon 26
  • Give you're honest opinion....Did i sing goood...ore bad?
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 136
    Star Icon 26
  • Pikachu does'nt want to be trained! But a start of a new journey may be nice....PIKA PI!
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 53
    Star Icon 15
  • To all my youtuber friends, and you! Subs, likes and comments to you all
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 58
    Star Icon 11
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 195
    Star Icon 34
  • I am sooooo SCARED!
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 159
    Star Icon 35
  • JakePerfect123, where r u?
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 62
    Star Icon 9
  • wOW SHOUT OUT TO Green Flower
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 74
    Star Icon 11
  • Our among us heros are ready
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 128
    Star Icon 23
  • Hi guys, this is me,GalaxyTheGamer, on a diffrent account. It kicked me out the old one I can't rember the password, All the other books will be moved to this account
    by Galaxy TheGamer
    Eye Icon 84
    Star Icon 14

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