My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Lili, a third-grader, becomes pen pals with Joy, who has Asperger's Syndrome. Through their letters, they learn about each other's lives and develop a strong friendship.
    by Jocelyn Benson
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  • A young girl learns different ways to win arguments from her older sister, using ethos, pathos, and logos.
    by Jocelyn Benson
    Eye Icon 10
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  • by Jocelyn Benson
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  • A young person travels to Germany to work with military children, has a transformative experience, and learns the value of appreciating good things.
    by Jocelyn Benson
    Eye Icon 6
  • A heartwarming story about the bond between a narrator and their niece, highlighting their adventures and growth together.
    by Jocelyn Benson
    Eye Icon 38
    Star Icon 7
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