My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Lovella, one of five twin sisters with elemental powers, reunites with her sisters in high school and discovers they are family.
    by LilF2011
    Eye Icon 66
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  • Thank you for reading and the likes!
    by LilF2011
    Eye Icon 31
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  • Thank you for the likes. I worked so hard on this book!
    by LilF2011
    Eye Icon 315
    Star Icon 19
  • A girl named Joslyn Star hides her secret of having wings and a magic wand until her parents reveal that they are fairies too, making her a princess fairy.
    by LilF2011
    Eye Icon 19
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  • Thanks for the likes. This book was tough one to make :)
    by LilF2011
    Eye Icon 34
    Star Icon 7
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