My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • A story about a blue island called BOWtieblue that faces a crisis when the world turns red hot and falls towards Earth.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 6
    Star Icon 1
  • A child creates a video game in a book, where players can make wishes and level up with Jirachi. The story ends with a comment about the rarity of Jirachi.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 58
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  • by Ljrm
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  • Go on a daring quest with Logan as he defeats the Meester Stoor worm.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 13
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  • When a train goes to sleep he dreams about gettting stuck in a castle. he discovers when things look easy they are not.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 6
  • A brief introduction to various Pokemon and their evolutions.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 96
    Star Icon 9
  • bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssssssssssssssss???????????????????????????????????????????
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 149
    Star Icon 7
  • Brains brains brains! Zombies can never get enough. Because plants always drive them back.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 143
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  • "When a nebulae becomes Mewtwo, a crazy war strikes, The extra fierce Pokemon battle." Ash Kenchum
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 78
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  • A brief introduction to various Pokemon and their evolution/devolution, with a note about exclusive Gigantamax forms in Pokemon Sword and Shield.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 101
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  • A french fry gets milk spilled on it and a banana tries to help by building a bridge.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 13
  • The second part of the story where a girl grabs a crystal.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 6
  • A story about a girl that took a crystal.
    by Ljrm
    Eye Icon 18

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