My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Alice, a 10-year-old girl who loves mysteries, discovers a secret in her mansion's art gallery. She finds a key and a hidden staircase.
    by Manha217
    Eye Icon 78
    Star Icon 20
  • A child reminisces about walking home from swimming class with their mother, playing in the park, encountering stray dogs, and giving a bouquet to their grandmother.
    by Manha217
    Eye Icon 157
    Star Icon 22
  • A young girl overcomes her fear of swimming and makes friends at school, but struggles with a vacation swimming class without her friends.
    by Manha217
    Eye Icon 319
    Star Icon 38
  • Manha and her cousins play a sneaky game to get candy from different rooms in their house while everyone is asleep.
    by Manha217
    Eye Icon 125
    Star Icon 23

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