My Public / Unpublished Books (14)

  • Four fish get caught in a tornado and end up in a new world. They adapt to their surroundings and learn that change can be a good thing.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Jonas and Gabriel escape their oppressive community and find love and happiness in a new place.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Jonas and Gabe wake up in a cabin, held hostage by Caleb. They plan to raid their community but find chaos instead. Jonas enslaves people, starts a civil war, then wakes up from it all as a dream.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Gabe wakes up to find his friend Jonas missing. He meets Fiona, who abuses him. Gabe suspects Fiona is hiding something and plans to escape. He discovers Jonas in a guarded building and they escape to a better community.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Why monkeys like bananas.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Meg, Calvin, and their children travel to Camazotz to stop Charles Wallace's evil plan. They tackle him down and Meg performs brain surgery, but it goes wrong and Harry tesser Charles back to Camazotz.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Fifteen years later, Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace embark on a mission to defeat IT on Uriel. Along the way, they encounter Aunt Beast and the controlled 3 W's.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Jonas and Gabriel find warmth, love, and joy in a Christmas community after escaping their dystopian society.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace go on a journey to rescue their twins who have been taken by aliens on the planet Tenalp.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Twenty years after defeating IT, Meg and her family face new challenges in a world focused on tessering. They find themselves stranded on a dark planet and encounter familiar faces.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Jonas, a boy who was adopted by the Scotts, feels like a burden and wants to leave. After a talk, he decides to stay and embrace his new family.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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  • Peter is having a birthday party with his friends, but his little brother Fudge causes chaos and ruins the celebration.
    by OLLMiddleSchool
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