My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A book for children to learn about culture and modern technology. This book is great to help your child read during the early years.
    by Iesha Rahman
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  • Sara and Zaku's nanny has been acting strangely. They discover she's been secretly training for various activities. They throw her a surprise party to celebrate her success.
    by Iesha Rahman
    Eye Icon 54
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  • Sahra wakes up to find her Nanny missing. She searches various places but can't find her. Finally, Nanny calls and says she's home.
    by Iesha Rahman
    Eye Icon 74
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  • The Rahman family plans a trip to Egypt, but Nanny initially refuses to go. However, she changes her mind and agrees to participate in various activities during the holiday.
    by Iesha Rahman
    Eye Icon 53
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  • Nanny buys new accessories and plans a trip, but there are some misunderstandings about the timing. Join Nanny on her next adventure in 'Nanny's Holiday'.
    by Iesha Rahman
    Eye Icon 82
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