My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A bedtime story that is beautiful about a parent's love. No matter how big or far a child strays away they will always be your baby star. I am not the original author.
    by Strawberry29
    Eye Icon 18776
    Star Icon 195
  • Never Judge book by it's cover Rule 14. Never judge cause everyone is different. Never Judge cause you don't know the whole story. When you judge you miss out on a opportunity to make new friends.
    by Strawberry29
    Eye Icon 879
    Star Icon 21
  • Lets Learn Are ABC
    by Strawberry29
    Eye Icon 1362
    Star Icon 14
  • Three pirate monkeys search for a legendary treasure on a mysterious island, encountering danger and making new friends along the way.
    by Strawberry29
    Eye Icon 1203
    Star Icon 26

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