My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • In this book, you can learn all about cheetahs! I hope you learn some new information from this book!
    -Saanvi S
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • In this book, you can read about two fairies exploring an enchanted forest. Hope you enjoy!
    -Saanvi S
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
  • Let’s take a closer look at these surreal places on Earth! Read this book for some great places that you can visit sometime. These places look very beautiful. Hope you enjoy reading!
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • In this book you can read about Blue Jays! Hope you enjoy reading!
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • A book of positive quotes, hope you like it! Thanks for reading!
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
  • In the book, Cinnamon finds a way to get out of the portal. He hoped that his owner won’t notice anything. Then, Mrs. Brown comes back from work, and she doesn’t notice a single thing. Stay tuned for book 4! Have fun reading!
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • The Hidden Portal Book 2 is finally out! Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for Book 3!!!
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • If you love dinosaurs, this book is for you! This book is about a little dinosaur. He doesn’t have any friends because people think that we will hurt them just because of his appearance. Hope you enjoy!

    - Saanvi S
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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  • In this book, you can read about a old lady who has a pet cat. This cat discovers a random portal. Stay tuned for book 2!
    by SS - 04GP 914739 Peel Virtual Elementary School
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My Collection - "“The Hidden Portal” Series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Saanvi’s Fiction Stories" Follow Collection


My Collection - "All About… (Animals)" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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