My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • A teacher and their students engage in various activities to support environmental protection, including making compost and working on a project about climate change.
    by SvitlanaM
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  • by SvitlanaM
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  • A group of students participate in a digital citizenship project, learning about online safety, cultural exchange, and foreign languages.
    by SvitlanaM
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  • A book about mental health and bullying prevention, with tips on managing stress and making wise choices online.
    by SvitlanaM
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  • A prince seeks three magical rings to marry a princess, with the help of an old woman. They succeed and live happily ever after.
    by SvitlanaM
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  • A lazy robot learns to appreciate nature and becomes proactive in protecting it.
    by SvitlanaM
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  • A prince embarks on a quest to find three magical rings for a princess's hand in marriage, with the help of an old woman.
    by SvitlanaM
    Eye Icon 14
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