My Published Books (1)

  • This is a detailed biography of J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. It covers her early life, struggles, and eventual success as an author.
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 421
    Star Icon 28

My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • Princess Diana, a beautiful and kind princess, searches for love in Fun Kingdom but finds it in Ziico when she meets Prince Charles. They fall in love, secretly date, and eventually get married.
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 82
    Star Icon 8
  • All about me Yastika Chouhan
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 89
    Star Icon 8
  • A child expresses mixed feelings about their new baby sibling, highlighting the challenges and joys of having a younger sibling.
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 100
    Star Icon 8
  • Believe in your self then you will catch what you want
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 68
    Star Icon 6
  • An alphabetical list of accomplished women in various scientific fields, with a brief description of their achievements.
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 42
    Star Icon 1
  • A playful story about a family with unique names and a quiz to determine the reader's music note.
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 87
    Star Icon 9
  • The story follows the life of Jane Goodall, from her childhood to her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees. It highlights her love for animals and her contributions to science.
    by Yastika Chouhan
    Eye Icon 92
    Star Icon 10

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