My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • The story of Ali Kuşçu, a Turkish astronomer and mathematician, who overcame challenges to make significant contributions to science.
    by ZehraMetin
    Eye Icon 147
    Star Icon 6
  • A couple and their children, Kind and Nice, use their superpower of kindness to help people and stop bullying. They meet a lost boy named Johny and his kitten Gentle, and they become friends. Together, they have fun and learn important lessons about kindness and helping others.
    by ZehraMetin
    Eye Icon 319
    Star Icon 5
  • Grace learns the values of patience, honesty, helpfulness, etiquette, respect, love, media literacy, gratitude, faith, and patriotism through various experiences. She realizes the importance of these values and how they can positively impact her life and the lives of others.
    by ZehraMetin
    Eye Icon 606
    Star Icon 11
  • by ZehraMetin
    Eye Icon 4338
    Star Icon 108

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