My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Izzy's collection of frank greens comes alive and wreaks havoc on the city. She battles them, destroys the golden one, and saves the day.
    by ZoeS4S
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  • "The killer Queenie clown" is a haunting tale of a young girl's obsession with clowns. Queenie has always been fascinated by the dark and twisted world of killer clowns, spending hours upon hours researching and admiring their sinister ways. But as she grows older, her obsession becomes more than just a hobby.

    In a twisted turn of events, Queenie becomes a killer clown herself, using her newfound abilities to terrorize the city. But when she meets a girl named Alex, something changes within her. She sees a kindred spirit in Alex and finds herself compelled to bring her into the fold.

    Queenie brings Alex to her house, eager to initiate her into the world of killer clowns. But as they prepare for the ritual, Queenie's parents walk in, horrified at what they see. The once-innocent Queenie has become a monster, and they are left to wonder where they went wrong.

    by ZoeS4S
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  • Very fun book and i think you gonna relate
    by ZoeS4S
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