My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • tyhjmnbgfd
    by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 9
    Star Icon 1
  • enjoy.
    by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 7
    Star Icon 3
  • A child struggles to decide on a Halloween costume and seeks advice from friends and their teacher.
    by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 24
    Star Icon 3
  • Eevee's family has 8 members, each representing a different type. The story introduces the family members and mentions showing pictures.
    by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 116
    Star Icon 14
  • by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 38
    Star Icon 5
  • A Pokemon trainer finds an injured Eevee and takes it home, but it evolves into a Leafeon. The trainer is unsure what to do.
    by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 114
    Star Icon 15
  • by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 152
    Star Icon 11
  • Eevee and Sylveon have a battle with Mew. Eevee wins and they celebrate.
    by Attalie Patnode
    Eye Icon 216
    Star Icon 9

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