My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A black cat encounters various Halloween creatures, each seeing something scarier. The story ends with happy children having a party.
    by Maureen Colbert
    Eye Icon 140
    Star Icon 18
  • Bobby denies responsibility for various mischievous acts, but eventually admits to them and learns the importance of telling the truth.
    by Maureen Colbert
    Eye Icon 244
    Star Icon 17
  • Little Bear searches for the best present for his mama, but realizes that he is the best gift of all.
    by Maureen Colbert
    Eye Icon 235
    Star Icon 13
  • Cats are fun but they can be a little sneaky sometimes.
    by Maureen Colbert
    Eye Icon 286
    Star Icon 19
  • A simple and fun way for young ones learning to count to ten.
    by Maureen Colbert
    Eye Icon 370
    Star Icon 14
  • Friends come in all sizes, colors and shapes. We just need to show ourselves friendly, and we will always find them.
    by Maureen Colbert
    Eye Icon 226
    Star Icon 20

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