My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • This is a story book written in Chinese created by a group of little authors who enjoy learning Chinese language and culture in Seattle.

    They built their own characters, settings, plots, conflicts, and the mysterious ending after they read the famous Chinese legend "The Carp that Jumped over the Dragon Gate" in the summer program.

    They are happy to share their reading and creative writing with their friends all around the world!
    by Cheryl Wang
    Eye Icon 728
    Star Icon 24
  • by Cheryl Wang
    Eye Icon 471
    Star Icon 12

My Collection - "海外文化小使者创意故事集锦" Follow Collection

  • 小鲤鱼历险记 The Adventures of Little Carp

My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

  • 小鲤鱼历险记 The Adventures of Little Carp
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