My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • Nancy, Peter, and their parents visit the Statue of Liberty, which comes to life and asks for their help in breaking a world record. They create a plan and spread the word, facing challenges along the way. They learn about setting goals, overcoming doubt and fear, and the power of positivity.
    by Danielle Hutchinson
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  • A story about the power of unity and singing together, with fictional speeches from Presidents Trump, Obama, and Clinton.
    by Danielle Hutchinson
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  • A group of successful business people, including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett, join a sing-along to break records and spread kindness.
    by Danielle Hutchinson
  • A description of various musicians and why they would want to join a global singing event, emphasizing unity and positivity.
    by Danielle Hutchinson
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  • Imagine a world where people from all over come together to sing the biggest, happiest song ever! Famous athletes like Cristiano Ronaldo and Serena Williams join in, showing that they can bring people together. Singing creates a circle of friendship that goes around the world, spreading smiles and happiness everywhere.
    by Danielle Hutchinson
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  • Nancy and Peter, along with their parents, embark on a mission to break a world record by singing with new friends around the world and raising donation money to help others. They face challenges but overcome them with determination and support from each other.
    by Danielle Hutchinson
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