My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Recipes for various dishes including potato salad, rice with chicken, Turkish coffee, Bosnak boregi, and more.
    by eminent_y
    Eye Icon 866
    Star Icon 22
  • A student describes their dream school, which is eco-friendly, inclusive, and focused on environmental conservation.
    by eminent_y
    Eye Icon 27
  • by eminent_y
    Eye Icon 5
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  • Would you like to learn about our coutries?
    We run an eTwinning project named Beyond the Borders, and this is a common product of it.
    by eminent_y
    Eye Icon 130
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  • The book is about saying hi in other languages. It is done for the eTwinning project “Beyond the Borders”.
    by eminent_y
    Eye Icon 55
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