My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Oliver, a black cat, doesn't like new pets or people. When his owner gets a puppy, Oliver is unhappy. Despite their initial dislike, Oliver and Freddie become best friends after a toy mishap.
    by Emerald James
    Eye Icon 51
    Star Icon 6
  • A girl name Sally tells about her life in her diary.
    by Emerald James
    Eye Icon 198
    Star Icon 20
  • This is a story of three cats that got lost from their mommy.
    by Emerald James
    Eye Icon 70
    Star Icon 1
  • Gizmo, a pig who wants to be a unicorn, goes on a quest to find candy and meets the Easter bunny.
    by Emerald James
    Eye Icon 336
    Star Icon 14
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