My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • The story follows the journey of three tadpoles, Double Spot, Trey, and Red Legs, as they grow into bullfrogs. They face challenges, form friendships, and learn valuable life lessons.
    by ginamsmith
    Eye Icon 131
    Star Icon 3
  • A short story about ruthless pirates who only care about treasure and are willing to sacrifice each other.
    by ginamsmith
    Eye Icon 16
    Star Icon 2
  • Kicking butt
    by ginamsmith
    Eye Icon 11
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  • A moon named Fred gets bullied by a cow but challenges the cow to jump over him, leading to a change of heart and a happy ending.
    by ginamsmith
    Eye Icon 38
    Star Icon 4
  • A boy who can speak to animals but not monkeys meets a nice boy and they become friends.
    by ginamsmith
    Eye Icon 6

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