My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • math poetry that is inspired by our own artwork and the book Math-terpieces by Greg Tang.
    by jdnramsay
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  • by jdnramsay
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  • The story of how the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' book series was created, turned into a movie, and the process of casting and filming.
    by jdnramsay
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  • A student's project on submarines, testing the hypothesis that they don't need fins to move forward.
    by jdnramsay
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  • This is a collection of children's stories featuring various animals and their adventures. The stories teach important life lessons such as the value of friendship, hygiene, hard work, and not judging others by their appearance.
    by jdnramsay
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  • A brief description of different bird species and their characteristics.
    by jdnramsay
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  • The Causes of World War 2
    by jdnramsay
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  • A dog seeks revenge on a cat who attacked him, but his plans are foiled by a rabbit named Tim.
    by jdnramsay
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  • A collection of riddles and brain teasers for children, testing their logic and problem-solving skills.
    by jdnramsay
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  • This book is about diffferent recipes that are in Alabama's Heritage.
    by jdnramsay
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  • a girl who is brilliant by creating an invention called the decoder. Someone tries to steal her invention but Christian receives victory.
    by jdnramsay
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  • This book is about the importance of keeping the environment healthy and clean.
    by jdnramsay
    Eye Icon 43
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