My Public / Unpublished Books (17)

  • Read this book to find about the adventure and fun times Steve,Carl,and Dry Bones have in the nether! Also if you haven't seen book 1 2 or 3 you might not understand what is going on! Happy reading! -Kaliecakes aka Mommajo
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 7551
    Star Icon 597
  • For those who can stand having head aches after reading! This book has amazing 3D illusions I think you will enjoy this book! Happy reading!

    -Kaliecakes aka Mommajo :D
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 4263
    Star Icon 268
  • Carl takes Steve on a adventure to THE END. Will it go well? Will Steve die or will he live? Well obviously he can respawn... but not Carl!
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 4040
    Star Icon 364
  • Steve wants Carl to meet Alex for the first time. Will it go well? Will everybody be okay on their journey to have a picnic? Who knows? Read to find out.

    Happy Reading! -Kaliecakes aka Mommajo
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 2891
    Star Icon 269
  • This is a book my good friend Jake and I made. Well we made this before I ran out of photo storage. Please enjoy! Happy Reading! -Kaliecakes aka Mommajo
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 801
    Star Icon 35
  • You should really read this book :)
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 1830
    Star Icon 151
  • The story discusses the contrast between people who have many belongings and those who live in poverty, and encourages readers to make a difference through fundraising and donations.
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 609
    Star Icon 52
  • There is a very helpful shopkin lately.... Who knows who's the shopkin behind the mask and hat???
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 1353
    Star Icon 38
  • This is a book about our pet rats Charley and Pepper. Enjoy!
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 780
    Star Icon 76
  • WHAT DIARY OF A MINECRAFT ENDERMAN 2 IS OUT?!? Carl does something VERY fun with Steve.
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 2046
    Star Icon 212
  • This is a book about Owliver's wonderful day. It looks like he is having a very good time with his friends.
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 183
    Star Icon 21
  • Some people participate in the Bake Off. I wonder who the judge will pick...
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 847
    Star Icon 28
  • This book is about Sponge Bob's awesome day. I hope you enjoy the book!
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 473
    Star Icon 35
  • This is a book about our pet Cheesey. We hope you really enjoy this book.
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 717
    Star Icon 53
  • Winnie the Pooh is out of honey. So when he goes to the honey tree he sees a Fairy. This story is SO funny. :)
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 1165
    Star Icon 12
  • This is about a girl who wants to buy a dress for the talent show. Her name is Mackenzie and her friend is Kalie.
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 191
    Star Icon 15
  • This book is about what it is like to be an Enderman. Read this book to see what Carl the enderman does in his adventure who knows what will happen?
    by kaliecakes
    Eye Icon 32100
    Star Icon 2110

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