My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Hopper, a tiny creature, learns to speak up and be heard by saying hello loudly. A lesson in communication and self-confidence.
    by Natasha Badenhorst
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  • A simple book about a child's love for their mother and the things their mother loves.
    by Natasha Badenhorst
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  • Mr. Square introduces himself as a shape and explores objects that are square. He asks questions about shapes and provides related vocabulary.
    by Natasha Badenhorst
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  • A group of friends and family play Hide-and-Go-Seek, searching for the father who is hiding.
    by Natasha Badenhorst
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  • Discover the colour yellow, through a simple, fun and engaging story. This book can be used for kindergarten
    mathematics and phonics. Ideal for ages 2-5.
    by Natasha Badenhorst
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  • Blue is a mouse who is blue. However, she does not know that she is blue and sets off on a journey to find out what colour she is.
    by Natasha Badenhorst
    Eye Icon 40
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