My Public / Unpublished Books (23)

  • it is a book about nathan
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 117
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  • How Jake Paul became good at Roblox
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 114
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  • Joey Kingman is a kind man who loves kung-fu, beating world champions, causing trouble, and seeking treasure.
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 74
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  • A young student shares their thoughts on school, including the importance of education, school supplies, cybersafety, reading, math, and writing.
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 155
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 119
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • Kristian and his friends try to catch a noisy critter at the beach, but it keeps escaping. They eventually sell it to a pet store, but it comes back and causes trouble. They prove their innocence and live happily ever after.
    by Kristian Fletcher
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 19
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 505
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 117
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • A boy named Jacky tries to enter a castle for treasure, but gets caught and escapes with the treasure.
    by Kristian Fletcher
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • Geronimo Stilton, a mouse and newspaper editor, embarks on an adventure to deliver a cake to a prince in Australia. After succeeding, he returns home only to be robbed, but manages to fend off the robbers using karate. He then gets involved in a rescue mission for his friend Wild Willie.
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 1199
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  • A young NRL fan shares his opinions and knowledge about various teams, expressing admiration, love, and some uncertainty.
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 437
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • Kristian describes his friendship with Tyler, highlighting their shared interests and how Tyler is a role model for him.
    by Kristian Fletcher
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  • Three brothers claim an island, face challenges, and solve mysteries in their adventurous lives.
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 36
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  • by Kristian Fletcher
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  • A young child enthusiastically shares their love for various activities, food, sports, pets, and family.
    by Kristian Fletcher
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  • Kristian, Tyler, and Kaleb have a fun day together, eating, cheering, and working. They each go home to different environments.
    by Kristian Fletcher
    Eye Icon 31
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