My Published Books (4)

  • This book concentrates on alliteration for early readers as a way of building phonemic awareness. It was designed to be shared by experienced readers and early readers. And help build foundations that create a life long love for reading.
    by Cheri Ladner
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  • This is the first book in a series about phonemic awareness. Part 1 covers the importance of rhymes for early readers. It is designed to be interactive for experienced readers to share with early readers.
    by Cheri Ladner
    Eye Icon 83
  • This book is designed as a read-along to emphasize vowels, consonants, and syllabication. These are important components of phonemic awareness and will help him to become a great reader. It was created with interactive roles for the experienced reader and the early reader. I hope you read it with someone you love.
    by Cheri Ladner
    Eye Icon 58
  • ABC's of Mardi Gras is a picture book using the alphabet as a way of explaining the many traditions of the Gulf Coast families during this holiday.
    by Cheri Ladner
    Eye Icon 634
    Star Icon 9
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