My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • by Marina Tomova
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  • A collection of riddles and mathematical games for children. The story lacks organization and coherence, with repetitive content and average vocabulary. There are some errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
    by Marina Tomova
    Eye Icon 515
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  • A bedtime story created by pupils of OU Hr.Botev, Aheloy, Bulgaria (4th grade) for the eTwinning project "European Bedtime Stories"
    by Marina Tomova
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  • A stray puppy is adopted by a school and becomes the students' responsibility. They find a solution for the summer holidays.
    by Marina Tomova
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  • A lonely pine tree in a forest makes friends with a bunny, penguin, and wolf. They save the tree from being cut down and celebrate Christmas together.
    by Marina Tomova
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  • Misho, a lonely stray dog, finds and delivers lost Christmas presents to the children in his town, becoming their hero.
    by Marina Tomova
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  • A project that focuses on mathematical riddles and games, with a goal of improving logical thinking. The team also shares online resources and collaborates with students from Serbia.
    by Marina Tomova
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  • A book, created by 7th graders of OU Hr.Botev- Aheloy, Bulgaria for the eTwinning project "European Bedtime Stories"
    by Marina Tomova
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  • Petko, a bird, saves his friends from a storm and becomes a hero.
    by Marina Tomova
    Eye Icon 39

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