My Public / Unpublished Books (15)

  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • Trashy, a monster, and McDonalds, a bat, get trapped by people hunting monsters. They are saved by a dog named Bullet and make new friends in the ocean.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • A knight rescues a trapped Pegasus from a dragon's cave, leading to a battle between an army of knights and the dragons.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • Spots the panda wakes up and realizes his friend is missing. He goes through various activities but feels sad without his friend. Spots finds Key, who turns out to be his brother.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • Sparkle the bird and Mario the cheetah go on adventures in the jungle, facing thunderstorms and meeting a fox.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • A little fairy named Sparkles helps her sick grandma by turning regular popcorn into magic popcorn.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • Stripey the tiger rescues a bird and helps a rabbit. He is brave and can jump into a portal.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • A dragon threatens a castle, but with the help of brave knights and a clever clown, they are able to defeat it and live happily ever after.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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  • A brave little mouse defies his friends' doubts and walks through a haunted forest to reach the beach, where he has a great day.
    by Kaleigh McKenna
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