My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • This book is exciting and new. It includes problem solving and strategy moments if you love adventure this book is for you!
    by Audrey Dodds
    Eye Icon 9
    Star Icon 1
  • Three families and their children's adventures in high school, babysitting, and surprises.
    by Audrey Dodds
    Eye Icon 261
    Star Icon 17
  • A young girl shares details about her life, including where she was born, where she grew up, her school, family, pets, friends, hobbies, and holiday celebrations.
    by Audrey Dodds
    Eye Icon 150
    Star Icon 19
  • Five royal siblings from the planet Fantasity are sent to Earth and adopted by different families. Years later, they reunite in high school and discover their true identities.
    by Audrey Dodds
    Eye Icon 147
    Star Icon 17
  • Meep and Blobby Blobalina, two friends who only say 'meep' and 'loolo', live in a volcano. After it erupts, they find a new home with Arabella.
    by Audrey Dodds
    Eye Icon 78
    Star Icon 9

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