My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • This story is about different types of plants and trees, including Aloe Vera, Alcea Rosea, Almond tree, Alove Vera, Anemone tulip, Apple tree, Broom (Ginesta), Cactus, Campanula Bohemica, Chaber Btawatek, Checkered lily, Chestnut tree, Cork oak, Daisy flower, Daphne, Edelweiss, Etruscan Saffron, Fir tree, Fritillaria imperialis, Gentiana dinámica Bech, Horse chestnut, Hazelnut tree, Larch, Lemon tree, Lilac, Lili of the valey, Linden Tree, Maggiociondolo, Mandarin tree, Molika, Oak, Olive tree, Orange blossom, Orange plant, Orange tree, Ophrys x Palenae, Perunika/Iris, Pine tree, Pomegranate tree, Poppy flower, Prickley pear, Rosa damascena, Rosemary, Rue, Siempreviva del Estrecho, Snowdrop, Spruce, Stokrotka, Sunflower, Tulip, Vine tree, Walnut tree. It provides information about each plant and its characteristics.
    by Rita Cusca
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  • A shepherd follows a star to the highest mountain, despite warnings. He reaches the top and refuses to give up the star to the king.
    by Rita Cusca
    Eye Icon 101
  • História escrita por crianças para crianças. A história foi escrita colaborativamente online no âmbito do projeto eTwinning intitulado "Uma história sem fim" no ano letivo 2018/2019.
    by Rita Cusca
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