My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • by samarakasanezky
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  • A child prepares for a trip to Florida with their mom and grandma, experiencing the excitement of travel.
    by samarakasanezky
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  • Well this story is for kids of all ages to enjoy looking at pictures of dogs they like or have.
    by samarakasanezky
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  • A diary entry of a nervous girl's first day of high school, where she encounters mean girls but also makes a new friend and finds support.
    by samarakasanezky
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  • A day at Amithist beach where the narrator and their friend swim, observe animals, and collect fish in a jar.
    by samarakasanezky
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  • well, this book is bast on a horse named molly and her family.
    by samarakasanezky
    Eye Icon 18
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