My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • It is the second book of the godzilla 2000 book, a monsterous creature has rised and is much bigger than the others! It has only one purpose, to burn the world with acidic breath and make it in his view. Can godzilla and the earth defenders win or will godzilla be just a zilla?
    by sean22
    Eye Icon 473
    Star Icon 17
  • It has come from the exclusive story Godzilla 2000 and is great for people who love to read I hope you enjoy!
    by sean22
    Eye Icon 272
    Star Icon 7
  • A collection of three short poems: one about a party, one a haiku about school, and one about an infested planet called Char.
    by sean22
    Eye Icon 21
    Star Icon 1

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