My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • The Ultimate Guide to Shadow of the Colossus. Including bonus info for your needs! Check out: Team Ico Wiki for more information! Also I worked EXTREMELY hard, so please enjoy! And stuff. (Better guide for PS4 Remastered by Blue Point!)

    (2021 update) Hello, to my currently 0 fans that aren't real life friends! I am making lots of books on here but this is still my proudest work, and takes up like a ton of storage, which is why I don't put pictures in my newer books. This is my longest book until I finish Stardash: Chapter Two but who knows? Maybe it won't be as long. Sadly, I was wrong about being able to fight the Worm soon, but there's still hope in my eyes. The PS5 can bring whole new things for Shadow of the Colossus, just wait and see. Take care guys :)
    by sebigomez752
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