My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • With an average of 25 points, 6 rebounds, and 8 assists per game in the NBA, can you guess which basketball player this is? It is not Lebron James, or Stephen Curry, it’s actually Ja Morant. He is only twenty four and is making 40 million dollars per year. Most of you guys don’t know who he is, or how he got to the NBA but by the end of my book you’ll know a lot about him.
    by Sifath Sandhu
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  • Detective Beans, a high school student with dreams of being like Sherlock Holmes, notices a mysterious ship from Mars. No one believes him, but he receives a threatening note. Confused, he decides to rest and continue the next day.
    by Sifath Sandhu
    Eye Icon 6
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  • A description of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, its impact on people, environment, other countries, and the economy.
    by Sifath Sandhu
    Eye Icon 16

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