My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • An informative book that explains different types of forces, including gravitational, muscular, magnetic, frictional, and electrostatic forces.
    by Vihu Shukla
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  • Purul and Vihaan discuss different types of ecosystems, their characteristics, and the importance of protecting them.
    by Vihu Shukla
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  • A group of animal friends in Healthyville learn about the importance of a balanced diet and vaccinations from their wise doctor, Dr. Lily.
    by Vihu Shukla
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  • A brief overview of the Earth's age, the concept of BC and AD, and a timeline of events in the Stone Age.
    by Vihu Shukla
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  • Vihaan and his friend discuss the impact of plastic on the environment and decide to go to a zero-waste juice bar.
    by Vihu Shukla
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  • Vihaan gives a presentation on communication, but gets interrupted by Nobita and Doraemon. They travel to the stone age and learn about old and modern means of communication.
    by Vihu Shukla
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  • Vihaan's uncle invents a time travel machine and they go back to the Stone Age. They learn about different ancient communication methods and compare them to modern technology.
    by Vihu Shukla
    Eye Icon 12
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