My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • The second book of Angry birds piggy knock down! In the book the chef turned in to a evil wizard! The birds need hope but what?
    by yuwons2
    Eye Icon 512
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  • A angry birds adventure using a lot of birds and pigs battle was a game but now it could be a book! And THIS book is a angry birds adventure book! But something the pigs are doing might ruin the birds life...
    by yuwons2
    Eye Icon 1735
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  • The pig prince escaped from the deadly blackhole! The piggy adventure is turning out to be a disaster! A very smoky disaster! Will it be the end of the birds?!!?
    by yuwons2
    Eye Icon 686
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  • The birds go to cyberspace and meet Sonic the hedgehog! How fun! But coming out the cyberspace won't be so easy! Will the eggs get eaten?!!? Or will the birds stop the pigs?!!? but hopefully Chuck finds a way. But will it help the other birds?
    by yuwons2
    Eye Icon 1039
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  • by yuwons2
    Eye Icon 76
    Star Icon 7

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