My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A Rolly-Polly bug living in a jungle faces a big change and leads his bug community to find a new home called the Green Belt.
    by 23zhanyu1
    Eye Icon 60
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  • A boy named Scale sets off on an adventure to save dragons, encountering challenges and discovering a hidden cave with dragon eggs.
    by 23zhanyu1
    Eye Icon 1137
    Star Icon 48
  • A boy named Hale hates bugs until he discovers a diary entry explaining his fear. With the help of his mother, he overcomes his fear and becomes a bug enthusiast.
    by 23zhanyu1
    Eye Icon 53
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  • An informative book about renewable energy sources, focusing on wind and water power. It explains their history, how they work, and their benefits.
    by 23zhanyu1
    Eye Icon 129
    Star Icon 2
  • Map of Dream
    by 23zhanyu1
    Eye Icon 96
    Star Icon 11
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