My Public / Unpublished Books (41)

  • Look at all my games
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Mike and his friends visit a new horror park called DeadScary. They encounter scary attractions and a mysterious man who tried to smash their car.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A series of books about Xannziax, a purple alien, and his adventures with battles, cloning machines, dinosaurs, explosions, and more.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • The last Xannziax book
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A series of battle scenarios involving phoenixes, a desert, an abandoned giant's workshop, a cloning room, the moon, and the Titanic.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • About me
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A boy called John gets a curse that's really really bad!
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A young protagonist embarks on a series of adventures, battling phoenixes and exploring mysterious places.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Muncher goes in the craziest adventures. Something bad happens at the end...
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • He joins a bad guy
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • read The dragon's shoe FIRST! BEFORE YOU READ THIS book
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Join Muncher, the food-loving character, on a search in various challenging scenarios. Can you find him?
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • If you are going to get a guinea pig this is the book for you
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • The author lists their favorite movie, cartoon, and documentary, along with other options in each category.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Read about my cat sqwoks
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • find muncher in different places like where's wally and my book where is Grogo
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Haunted house, KILLER RATS!
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A list of words and phrases starting with each letter of the alphabet, describing various characters, objects, and locations in the 'Where is Grogo' series.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • I might get a cat or guinea pig. but probably a cat
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Twelve-year-old John and his magical flying cat, Obsidian, embark on a quest to find a dragon's shoe. They face challenges, encounter Obsidian's dad, and retrieve the shoe.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Fred, a fearless monster fighter, goes on an adventure to the Mediterranean Sea to find a kraken. He encounters various challenges and unexpected allies.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A brief history of Minecraft and profiles of its creators, Notch and Jeb. Also includes information on platforms, game modes, and crafting.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • all the lord of the rings characters
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Ratman is always there to fight the bad guys with eight legs, robin and more
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A collection of children's books on various topics, including animals, jokes, Minecraft, and video games.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Mr. Banana Pants, now a superhero pet named John, and his family go on an adventure to save the day from Crackly. They end up in a banana's home and meet Mr. Banana Pants' cousin.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Mr. Banana Pants, a jungle explorer turned banana by a scientist, escapes and turns the tables on his captor.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A naval hits a country, causing a virus outbreak. The people are cured with a flying vaccine, but animals from the zoo catch the virus. The navy battles giant skin-eating bugs and saves the city.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • a boy gets the skin eating bug virus and it spreads worse then corona
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • my way of Lord of the rings
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Jack, a spider lover, encounters a series of spider-related incidents that lead to a giant spider attack. With the help of his family and friends, they overcome the threat and live happily ever after.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • my lord of the rings memes
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • If Minecraft in a book! Read a story about Steve. Also the pages might explode in your face because of the creepers
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A group of little bears encounter a monster that eats the princess, but they manage to save her and defeat the monster.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Can you find Grogo and Rose in this book? pleasssse reaaaaadddd
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Find his secrets and stories
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A list of places where characters and an item can be found, including a farm, graveyard, tsunami, vampire's room, portal, enchanted village, with Vikings, meteor shower, endless forest, phoenix's nest, Skull Of Death's cave, crazy camera robot, and pizzer
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Can you find Grogo, Rose AND Max?
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • A list of locations where characters and items can be found, with a reminder to read the diary.
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • Some of the fantastic beasts characters
    by Hussein Hafez
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  • This book is made from story jumper. I just put in the name Wambersmash(I made that name up).
    by Hussein Hafez
    Eye Icon 5

My Collection - "Where is muncher?" Follow Collection


My Collection - "superhero and super villians" Follow Collection


My Collection - "More books I like" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Where is Grogo?" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Storyjumper's and my books" Follow Collection


My Collection - "my books" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Guinea pigs" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Scary" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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