My Published Books (3)

  • by Deaidre Jones
    Eye Icon 633
    Star Icon 57
  • An animal alphabet book that has standard domestic American animals and many other animals from around the world. It even contains some live animal sounds!!
    by Deaidre Jones
    Eye Icon 5132
    Star Icon 211
  • This is a story of overcoming bullies with teamwork and assertiveness. Though you may be afraid at first if you just stand up for yourself you will run evil away.
    by Deaidre Jones
    Eye Icon 66819
    Star Icon 1745

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • This book highlights contributions from African American inventors A through Z.
    by Deaidre Jones
    Eye Icon 1804
    Star Icon 103
  • The purpose of this book is to educate and encourage children of color and let them know that they are special and beautiful with a rich history.
    by Deaidre Jones
    Eye Icon 1060
    Star Icon 88
  • This book teaches young people to appreciate one another's differences. Everyone has a unique gift and we should appreciate everyone's differences.
    by Deaidre Jones
    Eye Icon 2972
    Star Icon 188

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