My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • by Jessica Patronis
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  • Three young superheroes must find a third member to remain official. They encounter a baby in a watermelon, defeat an ice cream villain, and explore a mysterious temple.
    by Jessica Patronis
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  • Super Sredoo and Mr. Stripes solve a mystery at a school supplies store, catching the Shop Keeper who was stealing the supplies.
    by Jessica Patronis
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  • A collection of heartfelt messages from students to their 3rd grade teacher, expressing gratitude and admiration.
    by Jessica Patronis
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  • Isabell and her doll friends rush to find a birthday gift for Delilah before she wakes up, encountering obstacles along the way.
    by Jessica Patronis
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  • Delia starts school and goes on a field trip to the Playmobil Zoo. She has a mishap with a horse, breaks her leg and arm, and stays in the hospital. Delia makes a new friend and eventually leaves the hospital.
    by Jessica Patronis
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