My Public / Unpublished Books (18)

  • louv meh dawg! sooo much so i made a book abt him
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 13
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  • Why cant we all be equal book 1 season book 1 series!
    enjoy! To make it like a reality movie play the song deathe bed while listening!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 87
    Star Icon 5
  • Ok here is a story stay tuned for my ann frank biography!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 40
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  • It is very short!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 82
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  • Do you like looking at sunsets? Do you wanna know what would happen if the sun stopped shining? Well your in luck! My book has all that sweet entertainment!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 16
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  • Who wants to be in meh book!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 37
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  • A story of forgiveness
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 49
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  • Meh book LIKE OR ELSE U will not see any other books like dis!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 36
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  • The Morsons twin is based on these twins i used to go to school with and it shows that the way you dress does not matter as long as you like it!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 34
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  • We at the Story Jumper company have dedicated this to our special Creator Briana Haynes. We hope you enjoy we only dedicate these story's to those who matter like Briana Haynes make hit stories that are the bomb and maybe you'll be next! Thank you and make sure to like this story.
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 22
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  • A super family based on real people i am trying to do a story and my Grandma kept bugging me so like if you wanted more without her bugging me PEACE!!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 61
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  • It is about a town called Mono-Monono_coronono village
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 14
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  • This is Lady super it was hard to make Please don't descriminate against my pictures nor book! Or Auido.
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 23
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  • me and my friend decided to add a little splash of color and mix things up but unfortunately she was unable to help me finish i bet she would be proud hope you enjoy please like for her! :) ;) she actually came back over and we recreted the audio and i is better then befor!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 760
    Star Icon 61
  • This is also dedicated to Meranda Sings !
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 55
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  • wow
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 23
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  • sorry if youd like to finish it commet below
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 15
    Star Icon 1
  • i really like this book it's great and fun!
    by Briana Haynes
    Eye Icon 303
    Star Icon 16

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