My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • by RavenReaco
    Eye Icon 363
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  • This book tells bullies and non-bullies to make peace to earth, and to not BECOME a bully. If a bully is picking on you, tell a teacher or adult, because I've BEEN there, DONE that, GOT the t-shirt! But I basically wrote this book so Kyle, the one in WES Hammonton Elementary school, will see that one day, you'll regret being a bully.
    by RavenReaco
    Eye Icon 119
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  • Mia's story of heartbreak, self-discovery, and finding love. From a rejection in kindergarten to a surprising twist in high school.
    by RavenReaco
    Eye Icon 224
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  • Thanks Scott Calvin for making FNAF!
    by RavenReaco
    Eye Icon 76
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