My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and to have courage when dealing with fear.
    by T.W Foster
    Eye Icon 95144
    Star Icon 2657
  • Terry meets a new unexpected friend while visiting his grandmother's house for the summer.
    by T.W Foster
    Eye Icon 21523
    Star Icon 1004
  • Terry learns a valuable lesson about talking to strangers.
    by T.W Foster
    Eye Icon 39119
    Star Icon 2089
  • This book is for children who may suffer from low self-esteem, behavior issues, and those who always feel discouraged. Sometimes all people need is ENCOURAGEMENT! Parents/teachers, be sure to always encourage your children/students, and tell them that if they work hard and have faith in themselves, they can accomplish great things in life. Take the time to ENCOURAGE someone today!
    by T.W Foster
    Eye Icon 206235
    Star Icon 5767
  • Do you have real friends? Children should make sure they surround themselves with GOOD friends! This book is a small guide on some of the QUALITIES of real friendship.
    by T.W Foster
    Eye Icon 99158
    Star Icon 5498
  • Even children deal with jealousy. We must teach children to never allow jealousy to destroy friendship. Jealousy is a bad feeling, and there is no need to be jealous of anyone. Parents and teachers, please teach your children or students the value of true friendship.
    by T.W Foster
    Eye Icon 108015
    Star Icon 3662

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