My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Horses are very popular animals. These Majestic and beautiful animals are loved by so many people but sometimes they can get into the wrong hands. This book is about that.
    by doglover23
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  • Kno is a young girl who lives in Pakistan. Her Parents decide it would be better to move to America. Kno realizes that even in the darkest and worst parts of your day comes something valuable. Something worth all the trouble you went through.
    by doglover23
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  • Book three in the adventure series!!! Please enjoy it!! Oreo has been stolen. Can Anna find him?
    by doglover23
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  • This is the second book to the Adventure books. Please read the first book in the series, It is with all the rest of the books I wrote. Before reading this one! Please enjoy.
    by doglover23
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  • Four horses. Two bad people. One island. One girl and a lot of hope.
    by doglover23
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  • Sea turtles are beautiful. Everybody agrees, most people just like admiring them but some will kill them and then sell their shells. This is terrible and it needs to stop. Please read and like.
    by doglover23
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  • Pixie hollow is saved is about these fairies who hear that bad thing are happening at pixie hollow and they meet to fix the bad things that are happening
    by doglover23
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