My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • In the poor part of the city, Urika, lives a family of 5. A mother and four children. They are all poor and the worst time to be poor is during Christmas time. That means no gifts, no decorations, and they even don't have their father. How will the family go through Christmas?
    by goldeneaglebird
    Eye Icon 13
  • Faria and her friends continue their journey. And they get a new partner that helps them dramatically.
    by goldeneaglebird
    Eye Icon 19
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  • We need to stand up against bullying, for it is a real issue going around in different schools. You can do plenty of things to stop/prevent someone from getting hurt through bullying. Check out to find more about bullying and what you can do about it. HELP US STOP BULLYING DURING BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH!!!!
    by goldeneaglebird
    Eye Icon 39
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  • For the world to know who were are and what to do. Never give up EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by goldeneaglebird
    Eye Icon 27
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  • This story is about a girl named Faria who goes on an extraordinary journey to save a colorful island from going all black and white(like the old days of television).
    by goldeneaglebird
    Eye Icon 15
  • With a little help and some supporting spirit, anybody can do anything. Even fly.
    by goldeneaglebird
    Eye Icon 49
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