My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Shan Smith, a new student from Atlanta, experiences a challenging first day at her new middle school. Initially facing unfriendliness for sitting in another student’s seat, she quickly becomes the subject of concern when she breaks down in tears in front of Ms. Minnie, her teacher. Sent to speak with the counselor alongside Ms. Minnie, Shan reveals her past life filled with responsibilities, achievements, and a deep bond with her younger brother, contrasting sharply with her current sense of displacement. A clever intervention by Coach Ramsey, sending her on an errand, introduces her to the school's environment and students, including a pivotal encounter with Lee. Back in the counselor's office, Shan shares the heartrending reason behind her move: her grandmother's illness, which uprooted her from a life where she felt significant and cherished. However, an accidental meeting with Stefanie in the restroom leads to an unexpected friendship, bonded over shared experiences of relocation and sports. Their laughter and connection signal a hopeful turn in Shan’s journey, underscored by their joint reprimand and inclusion by Ms. Minnie, suggesting Shan might find a new sense of belonging in this unfamiliar place.
    by KLM Publishing
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  • A story about sewing, a kid with an imagination and the fantastic results of it all.
    by KLM Publishing
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  • "What? A New School?" captures the heartfelt journey of Jeanne Myrick as she faces the transition from Brookside Charter to Pembroke Hill Private School. Through Jeanne's eyes, readers explore the mixed emotions of leaving behind old friends and embracing new beginnings. With humor and warmth, the story highlights the importance of family and the enduring nature of friendships in the face of change. Illustrated with expressiveness and charm by La'Nardo Myrick Sr., the book brings to life the challenges and joys of growing up. Set against the backdrop of Kansas City, MO, this engaging tale is a tribute to the resilience of young minds preparing for their next steps in life.
    by KLM Publishing
  • This book is for all the young scholars that want to get all A's but have trouble find a quiet space. The book shows that family can work to help a scholar study in quiet. When one gets all A's, they all get A's.
    by KLM Publishing
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