Pixie has just been born from Holly's tummy. Pixie is good, kind and helpful. Pixie just has a wonderful time this is the story for all of you to read all about Pixie...
Songs for an assembly. How about, you make your own assembly and use all these songs!
Hi Salbeth - Sorry for the delay in coming back to you. I havent actually downloaded it. But I can do and e-mail it to you. I just need your e-mail address
by Amanda Wade-Charters
Grandmother goes on a beach trip, gets sick on the way, has a picnic, and gets annoyed by kids.
Pumpkin's Mum had been ran over by a tractor. Pumpkin has to try and cheer her up and when he did, they were both happy again. There wish for this halloween was for people to come to their door and say "Trick Or Treat!?" But will that happen?