My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Four dogs in New Doglands try to escape their mean owner, but end up in more trouble. Will they find happiness?
    by pierregrade4
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  • Louis, a young boy with dreams of becoming a football player, shares his journey from training to fame and his final game.
    by pierregrade4
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  • Lerry and Drek, sons of the mayor, dream of becoming knights. They get kidnapped by Zaro, a former army commander seeking revenge. Will they escape?
    by pierregrade4
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  • Three dogs who work at Car Work get lost in a forest and encounter a dangerous pit bull. They fight to survive and reunite with their owner, Marco.
    by pierregrade4
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  • In the town of Dogville, three best friends, Mr. Weiner, Labro, and Flat Face, discover an evil plan by Mr. Cray to destroy their town. They train to save Dogville and successfully defeat Mr. Cray. The town celebrates their victory.
    by pierregrade4
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  • Lilly and her dog Nahall embark on a journey to find their missing animals. With bravery and determination, they face challenges and ultimately succeed in bringing the animals back home.
    by pierregrade4
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